“I’d disagree with her. But I tried that once.”
Maybe Ryan Reynolds can’t take the heat in Martha Stewart’s kitchen.
The Deadpool actor responded to the TV host’s recent claim that he’s “not so funny in real life” by, well, being not so funny…?
“I’d disagree with her,” Reynolds wrote on X. “But I tried that once. The woman is unexpectedly spry. She really closed the gap after a mile or so.”
Eugene Gologursky/Getty; Dominik Bindl/Getty
Ryan Reynolds; Martha Stewart
It’s not immediately clear what he meant by his remarks, though it certainly seems like he’s trying to be funny by implying that an 83-year-old woman shouldn’t be able to match him in a middle-distance athletic competition, or that some supposed previous disagreement he had with Stewart launched her into such an offended tizzy that she chased him for over a mile. Regardless, he’s essentially proving her right.
Stewart had shared her two cents about the Red Notice star as a guest on Bilt Rewards’ Rent Free game show. When asked to list celebrities who people think would be fun to hang out with, the hospitality mogul assumed that Reynolds would be a popular response — but not without noting that he doesn’t deserve that reputation.
“He’s probably on the list just ’cause he covers himself up in his movies and you don’t see his face,” she said. “And you want to know something? He’s not so funny in real life.”
She reiterated, “No, he’s not so funny. He’s very serious.” Stewart did admit that Reynolds knows how to adopt funny mannerisms in his work, though. “He’s a good actor,” she said. “He can act funny, but he isn’t funny. Maybe he can get to be funny again.”
Stewart knew her comments might cause a stir. “I’m going to get in trouble,” she said. “He’s my neighbor.” Indeed, Reynolds and his wife, Blake Lively, do own a home near Stewart’s farm in Bedford, N.Y.
When asked for her personal picks for celebs she’d chill with, Stewart came up with a Reynolds-free list. “George Clooney, ’cause he’s fun. George is really nice to hang out with,” she said. Stewart also opined that “Taylor Swift is lovely” and that Brad Pitt and her pal Snoop Dogg would make her list. “I would take Ryan off it, and I would put in somebody else.”
Stewart is the subject of Netflix’s buzzy new documentary project Martha, but she’s not holding her tongue about her issues with the film. “I hate those last scenes,” she told The New York Times on the day the movie premiered, referring to its moments depicting her “looking like a lonely old lady walking hunched over in the garden.”
Stewart also said the movie put too much weight on her trial and the five months she served in prison after she was charged with obstruction of justice in the early 2000s. “It was not that important,” she said. “The trial and the actual incarceration was less than two years out of an 83-year life. I considered it a vacation, to tell you the truth… the trial itself was extremely boring.”