DNC Sets Date For Virtual Roll Call Officially Nominating Biden, Here’s When

The Democratic National Convention’s rulemaking members have confirmed that a virtual roll call will take place on August 7th to certify Biden’s primary victory.

The 200 rulemaking committee members will meet again on July 26th to officially confirm the virtual roll format on August 7th.

The announcement comes as several Democratic lawmakers and senators have called for Biden to withdraw from the 2024 presidential race.

Here’s what ABC News reported:

President Biden is expected to be formally nominated by the Democratic Party in an early virtual roll call vote between Aug. 1 and Aug. 7, the Democratic National Committee affirmed Friday.

At the same time, some outside groups have contacted delegates who are curious about what would happen if Mr. Biden decided to step down, such as an open convention. Mr. Biden and his campaign have repeatedly reiterated there are no plans to leave the race.

The DNC’s convention rules committee met virtually on Friday and reaffirmed that the vote would not take place before Aug. 1 or after Aug. 7. The committee said a final date would be set by DNC leadership after a second committee meeting next week, at some point before July 26, and the rules of the virtual roll call will be adopted.

Convention committee leaders and DNC staffers offered more details about the virtual roll call that was announced in May, but has been recently panned by some Democrats as a way to rush Mr. Biden’s nomination amid heavy criticism about whether he should remain the party’s nominee.

DNC Chair Jamie Harrison reiterated his support for the Biden-Harris ticket during Friday’s meeting, telling the members “thanks to every single one of you, we will re-nominate President Biden and Vice President [Kamala] Harris.”

The DNC argued Friday an early virtual roll call is necessary to avoid litigation in Ohio, which requires major parties to have a presidential nominee by 90 days from the presidential election in order to appear on the ballot. This year, that date falls on Aug. 7.

Ohio passed legislation to move the date to Sept. 1, but Democrats say they still fear Republicans will keep Mr. Biden off the ballot in the state since that legislation is not yet in effect. The campaign says the early virtual roll call vote will enable Democrats to meet similar deadlines for other states.

Here’s what Fox News shared:

The rulemaking body of the Democratic National Convention is preparing to vote on President Biden as the party’s presidential nominee.

The Democratic National Convention’s Rules Committee members voted Friday for a virtual roll call on Aug. 7 to certify Biden’s victory, despite widespread upset over what many call visible mental decline.

The nearly 200 committee members will meet again on or before July 26 to formally adopt the virtual roll call format.

The vote itself will be held in the first week of August and is thus far expected to serve as a rubber stamp on the Biden campaign.

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