‘Prophet Of Doom’ Psychic Shares Four Chilling Predictions For 2024

A psychic known as the ‘prophet of doom’ has shared four terrifying predictions for 2024 – along with one piece of good news.

There’s just something about the start of a new year that has us all thinking about the future.

The problem is, that future is ultimately unknowable… or is it?

Through the use of psychics and mediums, many of us believe we can glimpse into the unknown.

We’ve already had a look at what Baba Vanga and Nostradamus have had to say about the year ahead.

And now a psychic worryingly known as the ‘prophet of doom’ has offered his chilling perspective…

Craig Hamilton-ParkerCraig Hamilton-Parker is well known for his horrifyingly grim predictions. Credit: @craighamiltonparker/Instagram

Craig Hamilton-Parker is a British psychic known for his horrifyingly grim predictions.

He rose to fame after correctly prophesising Brexit, the rise of Donald Trump, and the death of Queen Elizabeth II.

And now, in a brand new YouTube video, he’s offered his similarly gloomy predictions for 2024:

Russia-China alliance

He begins: “Back in 2015, I started to say that I saw that Russia and China would form an alliance, and this is beginning to happen.

“So one of my first predictions is about this Russian and China alliance, which I think is very important at the moment.

“I said at the time that the Russian economy would be seen to shrink over the coming years and would do an arms deal with China, and sadly, that’s beginning to happen, particularly over the Ukraine war.”

Rise in cyber attacks

“We’re going to see spyware, a big spyware release will happen. There’s something going to happen that will bring down some banking systems,” he says.

Even more natural disasters

Hamilton-Parker continues: “I feel that America is going to get quite a big earthquake, and it’ll go all along the west coast and as far as Mexico City. I don’t see everything collapsing… but I feel there is a big one coming this year.”

He also predicts ‘big floods’ will engulf London and the rest of Europe, with Germany being particularly impacted.

So far, not such a happy new year!

However, Hamilton-Parker did offer a glimmer of hope for the next 12 months.

Medical advancements

Hamilton-Parker offers some positive news in terms of treatments for diseases like cancer and Alzheimer’s.

“This is all going to be tied in with artificial intelligence, and I feel that something major is going to be discovered straight away in 2024,” he explains.

“Many advances in the medical field and care, advances in Alzheimer’s as well, which would suit me well because I am getting there.”

Doctor with needle.
Craig Hamilton-Parker says there will be good news in terms of medical advancements. Credit: Alamy

Fans of Hamilton-Parker have flooded his video with positive responses.

“Craig, thank you for not sugar coating what you see. We need to hear it like it is and you accomplish that,” one person commented.

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