Does COVID and Dementia Make You TALLER? The Internet Is Convinced That Wasn’t Joe Biden Last Night

Look, I’m not making a conclusion one way or another on this….I’m simply reporting what a lot of people are seeing and saying about Joe Biden’s address to the Nation last night.

In case you haven’t seen it, here is the full video:

If you can stomach it.

But a lot of people online have a lot of questions….

First, many claim Joe looks about a foot taller now than previously.

On the left is an old photo.

On the right is Joe vs. Jill now.

Does dementia make you taller?

Others are asking how he grew 3-6 inches:

Is it just the perspective of the photo?

Bad angle?

Sloped floor?

Jill is wearing heels, so that would HELP not HURT the size comparison.

MJTruth went deep in his breakdown:

I took a snapshot of Joe & Jill Biden walking out as this is the best comparison side by side

• Joe Biden is said to be 6’ 0”
• Jill Biden is said to be 5’ 6”
• Jill Biden is wearing at least 2-3”Heels
• Jill looks to be as tall as Joes Chin
—— the average distance from the chin to the top of a man’s head is 24.1 centimeters.

• 24.1 Centimeters = 9.488 Inches
• Jill Biden’s Heels = 2-3 inches

Using the low end of both of those numbers (9+2 = 11 inches (minus -) The difference between Joe & Jill 6” inches), This Joe Biden is somewhere between 4-5 inches taller.

Looong Covid has taken on a whole new meaning. lol

“Long COVID” — nice.


Growth COVID?

Others are claiming his watch shows the wrong time (pre-recorded?):

Although I checked myself and here are the zoom-ins I found, which seem to show an accurate time?

What do you think?

What do you see?

This next one is really something….

Four ear holes?

Never heard of such a thing:

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