COMING SOON: A Second Assassination Attempt + “Someone will emerge only to quickly drop down again”

I have TWO big things in here I want you to see….

Have you heard of Troy Black?

I’ve covered Troy a few times here before, and in case you don’t know him he’s had a very accurate track record with what he’s posted in the past.

He goes through some of that history in the video below and he says he really wishes he were not publishing this new video but he has to speak out what God showed him.

And I’m going to help him get the message out.

I want you to watch the whole thing so I don’t summarize anything wrong or put my own spin or interpretation on it, and I’ll also post the full transcript down below.

But here’s a really quick and rough summary.

Troy says he was shown another attack on President Trump’s life is coming soon.

He says this one will be “closer” although not necessarily closer in terms of closer to death but perhaps closer in proximity?

Spoiler alert: he says he sees President Trump being “just fine” and not harmed.

He also seems perhaps a boy involved who plays some heroic role?

But there will be a second attempt on President Trump’s life and it sounds like it could happen soon — certainly between now and November.

There was one other part that also jumped out at me…

Early in the video he says the following: “Someone will emerge only to quickly drop down again.”

Who does that sound like?

It sounds EXACTLY like what I’ve been telling you.

I believe Kamala has made a deal where they will remove Biden from office, she will get to become the first “Black” (Indian?) Woman President and in exchange for going down in the history books (she loves going down) she will then withdraw from the Presidential Election to make way for the real candidate they want, which I still think it either Michelle Obama or Gavin Newsom — or possibly Hillary Clinton.

Please watch here or scroll down to read the full transcript:

Backup here if needed:


Hey y’all, this is Troy. So, I was driving in my car the other day, coming back from the airport, and I was worshiping the Lord. The Holy Spirit began to speak to me, and I had to pull the car over into a parking lot. I began to write down what God showed me about Trump and a second attempt on his life.

I’ve heard a few different words about this nation and the political scene right now over the last several days. I’m going to share a couple of those briefly, but if you haven’t been keeping up with some of the words I’ve been sharing lately, we’ve been seeing one word after another come to pass. Trump’s conviction back in May or whenever that occurred—the Lord gave me a three-week timeline, literally three weeks to the day before that, of when something like that was going to happen. The word about Biden that I got about him getting a lot of pressure to drop out and then continuously pushing back—God gave me that word before any of that began to happen. Now we’re seeing the fallout of that, where he’s officially dropping out. He’s finally crumbled under the weight of that pressure.

A lot of these things God’s been prophesying ahead of time. I even saw an image of Obama looking over Biden’s shoulder from a news article this weekend. It was talking about how Biden was calling him a puppet master, and I got a very similar word to that. We even used a similar thumbnail where Obama was looking over Biden’s shoulder. I’ll put a link back to that word if you want to see the original. We’re seeing the Lord speak so clearly, time and time again.

I’ve shared two words that have to do with what happened to Trump and this attempt on his life recently. I’m going to put those links below as well if you want to watch the follow-up to some of those words that I received from the Lord. This word today is very interesting; it’s something I didn’t want to share. Even when I heard it, I was shocked and amazed that the Lord was even saying it. The presence of God was so real as I was sitting there in the car, and His voice was so clear. I knew I had to be obedient to what He was asking me to do.

Let me pray, and then I’m going to get started. I feel led to start with this other word that I got.

Holy Spirit, I just ask that you would speak very clearly today to every heart. For anybody watching who doesn’t know you, Jesus, as their Lord and Savior, that they would come to know you personally today. Holy Spirit, that you would reach out to hearts no matter where they are, that you would grab hold of their hearts and reveal Jesus to every single person listening. Thank you, Father, for your love. Thank you for your presence, Jesus. Amen.

Okay, so I heard this word on July 17th, before Biden officially dropped out. Obviously, we’re going to have to wait and see what happens next, who the nominee will be, and all that. I heard the Lord say, “Someone will emerge only to quickly drop down again.” He said, “A tainted system enlisting the help of the enemy, an outsider to get the job done, but it won’t go well for them.”

I am making an assumption here that this probably applies to the Democratic candidate. I don’t know for sure, so this may apply somewhere else, but I’m letting y’all know that’s my interpretation of it. What I heard the Lord say specifically was, “Someone will emerge only to quickly drop down again. A tainted system.” I’m going to leave that word on the table, and we’ll have to wait and see how that plays out.

On the 19th, two days later, I heard this word from the Lord that I believe is very encouraging for this nation right now and for anyone, no matter which nation you’re watching from. This is what God can do even in the midst of political turmoil or national chaos. We just saw the IT system failure happen a couple of days ago. I believe God prophesied that in advance, and I’ll put a link to that video as well if you want to watch the first half of a video we posted last month called “Unprecedented Events Are Coming a Month from Now.” The timeline on that was almost down to the day of a month from when I shared that.

Even in the midst of all this, this is what God can do. This is what I heard the Lord say on the 19th: “My fire is coming to a nation right now.” He’s not talking about judgment; He’s talking about revival fire. He said, “It’s going to spread across the earth. A national revival is at a breaking point, about to break out and stream forth if my people will consume the thoughts of God on a daily basis.” Then He said this, “What is your will?” is the question to ask, talking about what is God’s will. He said, “Not what can I do for myself or what can you do for me.”

A lot of us are asking, “Lord, what can I do for myself?” or “What can you do for me?” But God is saying if we’ll begin to ask this question, “Lord, what’s your will? What’s your will for this country? What’s your will for this situation? What’s your will for my life?” Not “This is what I want, Lord, now make it happen.” That’s where we often come from, but to really be a child is yes, to ask a loving parent for help or for what you need or even for what you want sometimes. But it’s also to take a step back and realize they are in control, and they know better than I do.

For some of us, I just sense this from the Holy Spirit. Even in the church, we have an authority problem right now, and the authority problem is not with our leaders—Christian leaders or pastors so much. The authority problem is between us and God, where we want to control what happens next by pleading with Him or by begging Him or whatever. The Lord is saying it’s not your will, my church, that ultimately needs to get done. It’s my will. This is where we need to be. We can ask, yes, we can pray, but then we need to take a step back like Jesus did in the Garden of Gethsemane and say, “But not my will be done, but your will. What do you want me to do based on your will, based on the leading of the Holy Spirit?”

What does it mean to consume the thoughts of God on a daily basis like He says here? Number one, Jesus said man does not live on bread alone, but by every word that comes out of the mouth of God. Then He quotes Scripture to the devil in the wilderness. It means to read the word, to get into the word of God more than we’re listening to prophecy, more than we’re listening to pastors preach, more than we’re listening to public opinion, even if it’s Christian opinion, to center ourselves on the word of God and on the gospel message, which is the word of life. Number two is just like 1 Corinthians chapter 2 says, we have the mind of Christ as believers. To listen to the thoughts of God by just waiting upon God and listening to the Holy Spirit, He wants to speak to us with His still, small voice. He wants to lead us on a daily basis. Sometimes He’s going to say, “Yes, take a step of action here.” Other times He’s going to say, “Just stand still and see that I’m God. Wait for me.”

This is 2 Corinthians 5:21, the ESV. It says, “For our sake, He made Him to be sin who knew no sin, so that in Him we might become the righteousness of God.” This is talking about what Jesus did for us at the cross, how He became sin for us, and He took the punishment for all of our sins so that we could become the righteousness of God. Many of us are looking for a savior or a saving moment or something to rise in this nation to bring us to victory here and now. Because we’re not dwelling on the thoughts of God, we’re not dwelling on the word and what the Holy Spirit is saying, we’re forgetting. We’re looking at the chaos and we’re forgetting Jesus has already won the victory at the cross. He’s already defeated the foe. The foe of sin is much greater and much larger in the scope of things than a political opponent or the direction a nation is heading. Jesus already defeated that foe at the cross. The largest, the biggest problem has already been solved.

When we start from that place, we start from a place of victory. Instead of looking at what the enemy is doing or what the world is doing, we’re looking at what God has already done. Because of what He’s done at the cross, what He can do through us now. We’re starting from a completely different place. We’re stepping out of a place of victory instead of fighting for it with what’s happening in the world today, thinking, “Well, this has to happen for the church to walk in victory.” No, it doesn’t. The only thing that needs to happen is for us to come back to the will of the Father, to be filled with the Spirit again, and to set our feet on the solid rock, which is Christ Himself. Everything else is going to have to line up with the victory of Jesus Christ today, and we must choose to line up with that and then move forward based on that freedom and that victory.

The Lord has led me to read a few verses out of Isaiah, but I’m going to share quickly about Trump, what I saw and what I heard. Then I’ll finish up by reading a few verses out of Isaiah that the Lord spoke to me about. I heard and saw this on the 18th of July. These words came on the 17th, 18th, and 19th, one after another. Then God spoke to me about Isaiah, I believe, on the 20th. Very interesting, the Lord was speaking over a series of days.

What I saw, I was driving the car, worshiping the Lord, and I began to see this vision from the Lord of Trump’s ear, from this attempt that happened. I saw this very vivid picture of the ear and the blood and everything. Then I heard the Lord say this, y’all, and listen, I’m sharing this not knowing everything that this means. I don’t have a full interpretation. I’m just sharing the word that I heard. There could be some symbolism involved. There could be some metaphor involved. This could be something that’s not up close and personal like it was last time. It could be something else, a plot uncovered, or something. I don’t know. I don’t claim to know.

This is what I heard: “It will happen once more. It’s going to happen again. This time will be closer than the first.” The impression I got was “closer” might not mean nearness to death; it might mean close in another way, as if it could be like physical locality or something like that. I don’t know. I don’t claim to have a full interpretation for that. It could mean closer to home; it hits closer to home. I don’t know. But I heard this phrase next: “A ‘shot’ will ring out.” Now, the Lord said “shot” with quotes. A “shot” will ring out. So that could represent something other than a physical shot, obviously. Then I heard, “Someone will attempt a second time.” Then I got this impression immediately that Trump’s going to be just fine. That’s the impression I got. I’m just going to share that as an impression from the Lord that he will survive; he’ll be just fine. So maybe this is something that won’t even play out in a physical sense, but maybe it will get uncovered ahead of time. I don’t know. But then I heard, “The same thing will happen again where someone attempts to shoot the president.” Very clear language there. Again, it could be metaphorical. I don’t know. I got this impression that I’m not sure how it relates or if it connects at all, but I had an impression of this phrase: “A local boy or a local hero being involved.” I don’t know exactly what that means necessarily.

Y’all, I’m going to stop and pray. We should be praying for our leaders, whether they are current presidents or not. We should be praying for our leaders, whether we like them or not. We should be praying for them. This is not a declaration. This is not something that I’m declaring over Trump or anything like that. It’s not something I want.

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