Woman Ends Marriage After Learning Husband Calls Her ‘SWMBO’ In Texts To Friends

A woman decided to end her marriage after discovering that her husband had been calling her a cruel nickname in texts to his friends. 

Divorce can be a difficult journey, initiated by reasons such as infidelity, eroding trust, or a lack of communication.

Usually, a combination of these factors leads to couples parting ways.

Yet for one woman, it was a demeaning nickname her husband was using behind her back that resulted in her saying ‘I do’ to divorce.

In an anonymous confession, the woman has opened up about the shocking moment that marked the end of her marriage.

Woman holding wedding ring.
The woman was already having her doubts about her marriage. Credit: Alamy

After hearing her story, people have taken to social media and slammed the husband’s behavior.

One says: “It’s offensive and degrading.”

“Very disrespectful thing to do,” adds another. “If he truly loved her he would not have called her that.”

A third person comments: “She is better off rid.”

“He was showing total disrespect to his wife,” somebody else writes.

The woman took to the women’s media group Mamamia and shared how since she and her husband had welcomed their two-year-old child, ‘nothing [had] changed’ regarding her spouse.

“He continued his long Friday lunches, which always turned into Friday night drinks, because they were networking opportunities. He had always played Thursday night sport – he didn’t ever even miss one week,” she explained.

Woman texting.
The woman went on her husband’s phone and made a shocking find. Credit: Alamy

She had also noticed a ‘weird shift’ in their marriage – he ‘absolutely hated’ telling her his plans.

One day, when the woman heard her husband’s phone pinging while he was in the shower, she decided to pick it up.

It was at this moment that alarm bells began ringing.

The woman stumbled across a group chat between her spouse and his friends, who were planning another night out.

What caught her eye wasn’t the discussion surrounding the night out itself but one particular acronym… ‘SWMBO.’

Puzzled by its meaning, the wife decided to ask her husband outright. After hearing his response, she said it ‘felt like I’d been slapped in the face.’

“I was mortified,” the woman recalled. “And I knew in that moment, there was no coming back from that.”

Woman watching partner on phone.
The woman divorced her husband after learning what ‘SWMBO’ stands for. Credit: Alamy

It turns out that ‘SWMBO’ stands for ‘She Who Must Be Obeyed’ – implying the woman had been bossing her husband about.

After making this discovery, the woman vowed to leave her husband as she and her son ‘deserved better.’

She concluded: “To me, I didn’t have a choice. Staying with a man who valued us so little wasn’t an option.

“I took my baby and I left my husband the next week.”

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