Intense New Netflix Thriller Hailed ’10/10′ After Hooking Viewers Within Minutes

Netflix viewers are praising an intense new ’10/10′ thriller that is hooking them in within the opening minutes.

As the New Year rolls in, it’s often time to try out a new series after a whole month of watching nothing but Christmas movies.

Sometimes this means watching a show that everyone has raved about, but you are yet to get around to watching.

Sometimes it’s about wanting to find a hidden gem and you’re looking to jump on that bandwagon before everyone does.

If you are looking for the latter, then this thriller that Netflix viewers are praising might be the one for you.

he Golden Hour is a six-part Dutch thriller that stars Nasrdin Dchar and Sophie Veldhuizen.

It follows a Dutch detective of Afghan descent who receives a text message claiming that his childhood friend is in the Netherlands.

However, when a terrorist attack occurs the next day, he suspects that his friend could be involved.

The Golden Hour
The Golden Hour is the latest hidden gem on Netflix to be praised by viewers. Credit: Netflix 

Since dropping on Netflix, it has found itself in the Top 10 chart for the UK – as well as receiving the 2023 Rockie Award for Best Foreign Language Drama Series at the World Media Festival in Canada.Viewers have also taken to social media to praise The Golden Hour.

One fan says: “The Golden Hour on Netflix is so good!”

The Golden Hour on Netflix. 10/10,” states a second.

Someone else writes: “The Golden Hour on Netflix is definitely worth the watch! The Dutch really done their thing here.”

Another person adds: “The Golden Hour on Netflix was f***ing crazyyyy. What a series.”

A fifth pens: “The Golden Hour on Netflix was absolutely brilliant, go watch it guys, that was simply fantastic.”

The Golden Hour
Viewers are hailing The Golden Hour as a 10/10 series. Credit: Netflix

Following the success of The Golden Hour, many viewers are eagerly anticipating news of a second season.

However, there have been conflicting reports.

It had been reported back in May that NL Film, the production company responsible for The Golden Hour, had greenlit a second season and that it had entered development.

However, nothing has been publicly confirmed at the time of writing.

If you are looking for something else to watch to help cure those January blues, then Fool Me Once might be the TV show for you.

Viewers are heaping praise on the new Netflix series – with some claiming to have binge-watched it all in one day.

It’s based on the bestselling novel of the same name by Harlan Coben and it follows a woman who watches security camera footage of her home and sees her presumed-murdered husband back to visit their daughter.

Meanwhile, her niece and nephew are trying to uncover the truth about the murder of their mother and whether there are possible connections between the two cases.

Watch the trailer for The Golden Hour below…

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