Parents are being urged to ‘raise their kids better’ after a cinema cleaner shared a photo on social media.
It’s an experience all of us share – showing up to watch a movie and finding our seats absolutely covered in other people’s rubbish.
It’s pretty frustrating, especially when you’ve paid a premium for your tickets and are looking forward to enjoying the film!
Now one cinema cleaner has hit back at those who terrorise other movie-goers with their mess.
They shared images of a theatre that had been absolutely decimated after a film showing, and people are now encouraging parents to ‘raise their children better.’

The Reddit post has sparked a lot of online commentary.
Some Redditors were on the side of the kids, with one commenting: “If we kept it clean you wouldn’t have a job.”
Another says: “That’s the job,” while a third adds: “You literally get paid to clean it up sooooo I don’t know why the f*** you complaining.”
However, many other commenters have come out in support of the cleaner.
One comments: “This is terrible. I can’t stand people that can’t respect others’ property.”
Another writes: “I worked in a theatre back in the early 2000s, and this reminds me of every weekday showing of Harry Potter… I actually overheard a parent saying to his kid, ‘No leave your trash on the floor they will pick it up,’ those showings were the dirtiest of them all.”
A third offers a suggestion to prevent this sort of destructive behavior, writing: “There should be a refundable cleaning deposit for scenarios like this.”
Someone else suggests: “If they purchased a private screening then trace them through their credit cards and charge them for damages, ban them from the theatre chain. There are ways to hold them accountable. Oh, and their s****y parents too.”
While a fifth writes: “Scumbags. What sort of trash parents have raised them to do this?”
However, one Redditor can’t believe in the amount of mess for quite a different reason.
They laugh: “All I can see is $5000 worth of popcorn on the ground!”

The cleaner in question has taken to Reddit to share their outrage.
They explain that the group of teens had booked a private screening at the cinema, then left the film 20 minutes early, prompting suspicion from the staff.
And it turns out, this suspicion was highly justified.
The cleaner entered the theatre to clean up before the next screening and saw the absolute carnage these teens had left behind.
The entire floor and most of the chairs were covered in a layer of popcorn, leading us to believe the group may have been having a food fight, rather than properly enjoying the artistry on screen.
This blatant lack of care for the space also shows major disrespect to the cleaning staff, who, of course, had to deal with the enormous mess.
Whose side are you on?