Biden Gets Asked By Reporter “Why Did You Drop Out?”, Here Was His Response

Joe Biden left his Rehoboth, Delaware, beach home on Tuesday and made his way to Dover Air Force Base, where he would board Air Force One.

As he got off Air Force One, a reporter asked Biden,” Why did you drop out, Mr. President?”

Biden responded quietly, “What did you say?”

The reporter then asked his question again, but before answering the question, Biden walked away.

Watch here:

Per The Washington Examiner:

President Joe Biden arrived back at the White House Tuesday afternoon, quieting for the moment rumors that he was in truly ill health or even near death.

“I’m feeling well,” Biden told reporters Tuesday.

Biden walked across the south lawn and waved. It was his first appearance in public in nearly a week.

Given that the president made history by dropping out of his own campaign without releasing so much as a picture, the internet rumor mill was working full time. Billionaire Bill Ackman, a recent Donald Trump endorsee, posted on X that “the lack of a photo op or scheduled public address to the American people suggest that the president may be severely ill.”

Ackman linked to a story saying Biden suffered an undisclosed medical emergency while in Las Vegas, a city he left early on July 17 after receiving a COVID-19 diagnosis.

Per The Hill:

President Biden tested negative for COVID-19 on Tuesday and soon after left isolation to return to the White House.
The president took a Binax rapid antigen test and is negative, his doctor, Kevin O’Connor, said in a letter. Biden’s “symptoms have resolved,” he said. Moments before the negative test was announced, Biden’s motorcade left his Rehoboth Beach home to return to the White House.

The White House had planned for Biden to return Tuesday afternoon, before the official letter from O’Connor that he was COVID-19 free.

O’Connor said that Biden “never manifested a fever” during his infection and that his vital signs “remained normal” and his lungs “clear.” The doctor said he will monitor for any recurrence of illness and keep the White House updated with changes to Biden’s condition.

O’Connor had said on Monday that Biden’s “symptoms have almost resolved completely” and that the president took his 10th dose of Paxlovid.


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