According To An FBI Briefing, The Trump Shooter Had Three Encrypted Accounts OVERSEAS

Ok folks, ready for the new MSM Narrative they’re trying to push?

I like Jesse Watters and I don’t blame him for reporting on this, and I’m going to report on it too…I’m just also going to tell you I don’t buy this for one second.

First, the FBI released a report that the Iranians had been working to assassinate President Trump, seemingly as retribution for Solemani.

I didn’t buy that either.  Stupid.

But now comes the second narrative they’re trying to push, that the pimple-faced Trump Shooter Crooks has three encrypted accounts overseas.

Take a look:

You kidding me with this?

That pimple-faced kid probably couldn’t wipe his own ass, excuse the language.  You really expect me to believe he was engaged in some European/Middle Eastern espionage and was engaged in using encrypted overseas accounts?

Now he’s supposed to be Jason Bourne?


The kid was the patsy, the fall guy.

Just like in a magic trick when the magician needs you to look in a different direction while he does the slight of hand, that’s what they’re using Crooks for.

Crooks was the perfect fall guy….he’s dead and dead men tell no tales.  Just some deranged kid who flipped and “lost it” one day.  Case closed!  We got him!  DEFINITELY not a second, professional shooter farther back.  Don’t even consider that.

Every new report that comes out trying to pin something new on Crooks is because they’re losing control of the narrative.

Like this one:

I don’t believe that one either.

Pretty soon they’re going to be claiming that they just found out he built giant space lasers so he could assassinate Trump from space!

That’s how absurd this is becoming.

The good news is people aren’t buying it.

People are asking a million questions:

How in the hell did he carry a gun and a 10 foot ladder?

He was spotted and reported by many….why didn’t police stop him?

He was spotted by the return snipers with plenty of time but they let him get set up and take the first shot before (allegedly) returning fire.  Why?

Almost none of the agents protecting Trump were trained Secret Service.  Why?

The kid is a terrible shot by all reports but he allegedly got off the perfect kill shot which would have hit in the exact right perfect place to immediately kill President Trump.  He only “missed” by God Alone turning President Trump’s head.

That kid didn’t make that shot.  Someone else did.

So sorry folks…when you see all these new reports about how this kid is transforming into Jason Bourne before our very eyes, don’t believe them.  At least, I don’t.  You decide what you believe.

Some of the best reporting and forensic analysis has come from Jovan Pulitzer:

Jovan Pulitzer: It Was NOT The Water Tower….But There Were TWO Shooters!

I had Jovan Pulitzer on my show earlier this week and ever since then the interview has been going absolutely viral.

I’ll post the entire report below in case you missed it, but first a quick update from Jovan confirming once again that there was no shooter up on the Water Tower.

Please stop spreading that report, it’s not true.

These pictures from Jovan prove it wouldn’t even be possible.  Talk about a sloped roof!


We discussed this in our viral interview, and in case you missed that or want all the other info, read this:


Jovan Pulitzer: “Return Snipers Did NOT Kill Him” — “There Was A Second Malvo Shooter!”

This is an absolute bombshell report and interview….and for those of you who know me, I don’t throw that word around very often because I like it to retain it’s meaning and impact.

So I had Jovan Pulitzer back on my show today to discuss a full forensic audit of the Trump shooting.

There’s no one better out there to conduct a forensic audit than Jovan, and those of you who know him know that to be true.

The man leaves NO stone unturned and he thinks outside the box most people think in.

So I was fascinated to hear what he had to say about everything….and absolutely blown away by some of his early conclusions.

First up, while I had him I got his quick thoughts on Vice President JD Vance and while I won’t go into those in this article, I’ll say they very closely matched mine — and even my process for coming to the same conclusions.  So that was nice to see.

Ok now to the shooting….

The first thing I wanted to get off the table quickly was whether or not it was possible this was staged in any way by Team Trump.  A “sympathy shooting”.

Jovan quickly put that to bed with a firm no.

You can listen to the interview to hear exactly why, but I agree 100%.

So then we started talking about the “Balance of Possibilities” and applying Occam’s Razor to come to a theory of what likely happened here.

Jovan says in situations like this he likes to find the “Second Right Answer” meaning (I think) that the answer they give you at first, and the narrative they try to sell you, likely isn’t the truth.

So in this case, that means the 20 year old kid being the shooter, and being noticed by people in the crowd, and even confronted by police at one point, and now dead so case closed — that probably isn’t the right answer.

So what is?

Basically, this….

You need to listen to the interview in full (and maybe even twice — many people are telling me they are listening twice already, that’s how big this is becoming), but here’s the quick summary….

Jovan does not think the 20 year old kid was the Trump shooter.  He was the patsy.  Sure, he was allowed to carry the gun up there and get in position and ultimately got blown away.  But he wasn’t the Trump shooter.

Also, Jovan does not think the Snipers on the rooftop behind Trump are the ones who took out the kid.  He says if you look at the pictures of the kid after he was dead, all of the evidence (teeth pointing forward, etc) all suggest the kid was shot from behind.

So where does that leave things?

Simply this: there were at least one and maybe two other shooters.

Hello, grassy knoll!  We’ve got a new JFK.

But it makes total sense.

The kid was a very bad shot, nothing about his story lines up, and it’s highly unlikely that even at a (relatively) close distance for most good shooters, that he would make such a perfect shot on Trump.

Remember, it was only by the grace of God that Trump turned his head those 1-2 inches at the exact last moment, otherwise it would have been a PERFECT kill shot.

The trajectory of the bullet also tells a different story, but you have to watch the interview to have Jovan explain that in detail.  We went over it multiple times.

In short, Jovan thinks this was the work of an expert gunman farther away.

The kid was the cover story.

The real shots came from the expert sniper farther out.

And then either that sniper or someone else took out the kid, because of course we need a dead assailant to say “case closed!”

And now the kicker…..

Jovan also thinks that second shooter was likely done Malvo-style.

Do you remember Malvo?

The DC shooter?

The guy who they couldn’t catch because he shot out of a small hole in the back of his car?

Jovan thinks something exactly like that happened here.

There would be no chance of it being caught on video surveillance or cell phone anywhere.  Not out in the open.

Just a Cadillac DeVille perhaps, parked maybe 300 yards out with the perfect line of sight?

Oh my!

I told you this was a bombshell.

Folks, if Jovan is right about even 50% of this, then you have a conspiracy the likes of which could tear this country apart!

But the truth must come out, at all costs.

We talked about a ton more, including Trump body doubles, what Trump should do next, whether Trump immediately goes into a bunker for his 2nd Term, Bitcoin, crypto, the US Dollar, and a lot more!

This was truly one that blew me away, and in no part due to anything I did or said — this was all my guest and he absolutely blew the lid off this thing.


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