How an invisible force nearly killed 152 people on board airplane just five minutes before landing The aircraft dropped from the sky

It’s the stuff of every flyer’s worst nightmare – you’re nearing the end of a long haul flight when suddenly, without any warning, the plane just starts to fall from the sky.

It’s an event that would deter even the most seasoned plane passenger from booking another flight.

But that was the reality for one aircraft on January 17 2008 when it began to plummet out of the sky after an invisible force nearly killed the 152 people on board just five minutes before landing.

Both of the plane's engines failed as it started to land (Cate Gillon/Getty Images)Both of the plane’s engines failed as it started to land (Cate Gillon/Getty Images)

Luckily, everyone on the plane survived the catastrophe thanks to the captain’s quick reaction.

The flight was shortly due to land at Heathrow Airport after traveling from Beijing, China.

As the aircraft suddenly experienced double engine failure with seemingly no explanation, the pilot raised the plane’s flaps to reduce drag.

Trying to keep the airplane under control, the pilots brought it into land where they crashed just short of the runway at Heathrow.

Of the 152 people on board, 47 were injured, with one suffering serious injuries.

The reason for the crash was a mystery and the authorities opened an investigation into why the plane seemed to drop from the sky.

A final report issued in 2010 revealed that there were ice crystals in the jet fuel, clogging up the fuel and oil heat exchanger of each engine.

Everyone on board the plane survived the crash (SHAUN CURRY/AFP via Getty Images)Everyone on board the plane survived the crash (SHAUN CURRY/AFP via Getty Images)

This had restricted the fuel flow to both of the engines when thrust was needed during the final approach to the airport.

The plane involved in the crash was written off but the findings were used to make modifications to other aircrafts in order to avoid a similar situation happening again.

People took to social media to share their thoughts on the plane crash, with one user commenting on YouTube: “The pilot not only saved 152 people but he landed the plane almost intact so the investigators were able to pinpoint the problem and the problem was corrected on all 777 Planes avoiding further catastrophes.”

Another said: “So essentially what happened is the plane had a heart attack. Solid material formed on the insides of the fuel lines which was dislodged and caused a blockage, just like plaque in a person’s arteries.”

And a third added: “The investigators did a great job figuring out what happened and the pilots were awesome. I’m glad the only thing that was lost was the plane. That can be replaced, lives can’t.”

Featured Image Credit: Cate Gillon/Getty Images

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