Woman Who Called In Sick Woke Up To Find Boss At End Of Her Bed

A woman has shared the horrifying story of how after she called in sick to work, she apparently woke up to find her boss watching her sleep. 

It’s absolutely the stuff of nightmares.

When you’re not feeling well, the last thing you want to think about is work – much less, seeing your boss.

But one woman experienced just that.

After calling in sick, content creator Mish (@mishyymbabyy) claims that she woke up to find her boss standing over her in bed…

People have been left absolutely disgusted and terrified by Mish’s viral TikTok.

“This is a nightmare man… he came into your safe place…. Ugh!!!! I’m so upset for you,” a commenter writes.

Some other viewers are recounting moments where their own bosses overstepped the mark.

“My last boss sent three people to bang on my window when I overslept to wake me up and I thought that was bad but THIS???” another person says.

Somebody else recalls: “I had a boss who relied on me heavily. I never skipped a day out of those six days of working. One day I called off and he pulled up and forced me to go to work. And said I can’t call out.”

mishyymbabyy on TikTok
Mish shared the story of calling in sick and waking up to her boss at the end of her bed. Credit: @mishyymbabyy/TikTok

Other viewers are angry for Mish, with one writing: “He genuinely thought this was OK??? I hope you called the cops!”

Mish has actually responded to this, following up with: “I didn’t but I wish I did, even though I really don’t think they would have done much.”

Meanwhile, another viewer comments: “I thought it was only in movies where people just walk into other people’s homes without being invited in, it doesn’t matter if it’s unlocked.”

The text overlay on Mish’s viral TikTok claims: “I called out of work and was sleeping peacefully but I woke up minutes later to my boss standing at the foot of my bed saying that he came to pick me up.”

This initial video garnered so much attention that Mish was forced to make a follow-up explaining the details – but things just got stranger from there…

She continues with her claims, adding: “So one morning, I woke up and I was feeling like complete s***.

“I had a stomach bug and I decided to call out of work that day, obviously, I shouldn’t be working in a restaurant with a stomach bug.

“I called my boss, I talked to him in person. He says, OK, whatever, that’s fine. Bye. Click.

“I tell my roommate I’m really sick, I’m gonna go back to bed and go to sleep.

“In the mornings, my roommate really likes to smoke and play his guitar and sing.

“So with me being sick, trying to sleep upstairs, he decided he would go outside, out in the back of my house and kind of sit in the grass and do that.

“Yes, he left the door unlocked, thinking like, he’s right there, he’s not going anywhere.”

However, this arrangement was not as safe as Mish’s roommate would have liked to believe…

mishyymbabyy on TikTok
Mish’s story of her boss entering her bedroom without permission has shocked the internet. Credit: @mishyymbabyy/TikTok

She continues: “My boss pulled in the driveway, my boss claims that he knocked on the door, but nobody answered.”

Because the door was unlocked, Mish’s boss decided to enter the house to look for her, even going upstairs to her bedroom!

She confirms: “That’s when I woke up, and he’s standing at the foot of my bed, kind of waving at me, like, ‘Hey, hey, I know that you called out, but maybe you just don’t wanna drive, and I’ll drive you in, and then you could still work?’”

Mish adds: “At that point, I woke up. I literally thought I was having a fever dream. Like, this is not OK.”

Mish’s boss eventually left her place, and weeks later, she was allegedly let go from her position due to her ex-partner harassing her at the workplace.

@mishyymbabyy my hands really be trembling 💀 #storytime #boss #anxiety #fyp ♬ original sound – Mish

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