Joe Biden’s Phone Call FAKED? “98% Chance It Was Created With AI”


We’ve been speculating that something was wrong — very wrong — with that phone call Joe Biden allegedly made into Harris HQ yesterday…

And now it appears we may have the confirmation we needed that it was created using software from an AI company called Eleven Labs:

Eleven Labs is a company specializing in advanced text-to-speech (TTS) technology. They provide AI-driven solutions for creating highly realistic and natural-sounding synthetic voices. Their technology is often used in various applications such as audiobooks, voice assistants, and other areas where high-quality, human-like speech synthesis is required. Eleven Labs focuses on leveraging machine learning and artificial intelligence to enhance the expressiveness and accuracy of synthetic voices.

Did the Biden Regime really just take this consumer AI technology off the shelf and create a fake Biden phone call using it?

The guy in this video says yes.

Watch as he explains:

Full video player here:

But that’s not all there is…

Let’s go even deeper, because there’s a lot of strangeness here.

Joe Biden has not been seen for over 6 days and counting.

Where is he?

Why can’t we see him?

Why did it get 6 days to get a lousy phone call into Harris HQ?

It took them 6 days and that’s really the best they could do?

Speculation is running wild that something is seriously wrong with Joe and this phone call was either not live or not Joe at all.

Hello AI?

Let’s dive in….

Here is the full tape, just listen to it for yourself:

Many are saying the call sounds very “off” in some way.

And the bigger question: Why can’t we see him?

Watch the woman at the podium….

Her face is a dead giveaway.

Look at the sadness.  I believe she knows this isn’t Biden.

There was no real actual conversation held.

It felt like those old prank calls where you’d have a bunch of pre-recorded sound bites lined up from some famous movie and then you’d play the tape recorder into the phone.

Remember those?

That’s what this feels like.

Like they had their recorded statement, and then they had a bunch of pre-recorded short little statements, replies, etc. that they had preloaded that could service for most situations.

You drop a few of those in to give it the appearance of an actual back and forth, and then you keep it short and get Joe off the line quickly.

That’s what it feels like to me.

Oh and the one staged one was SO obvious:  Kamala saying “I know you’re still on the line with us, right Joe?”

Yeah, I’m sure that wasn’t staged at all.

But even that Kamala nearly goofed up.

Watch this as she catches herself saying “recording” instead of call:

Wow, imagine being THAT incompetent!

Way to go Cackles!

Other people have ran it through AI analysis software and forensic audio software and determined this is most likely either AI or just a really bad old-school cut and slice fake.

What, you didn’t think the Biden Team was actually COMPETENT and sharp, did you?

They needed 6 days and this was still the best they could do!

So where is Joe Biden and why haven’t we seen him?

We’ve lived in a Zoom Call world for 4+ years now.

Is there one single good reason they couldn’t throw Joe up on the screen at least from a Zoom Call?

Of course, the most OBVIOUS reason is they saw how the world instantly caught on when they tried to do that with Kate Middleton on that park bench.

The Internet tore that AI video apart in minutes, and that was when a very competent Buckingham Palace had 6 months to create a fake AI video.

And even then it got absolutely shredded by the Internet.

To their credit, the Biden Regime knew if Buckingham Palace couldn’t pull it off with 6 months time, they for sure couldn’t do it with their resources in only 6 days.

So they did the only option they had left to them — they faked a phone call.

But that’s just my opinion…..

What do you think?


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