Suddenly, a bolt of lightning cuts through the scene, creating a spectacular visual that’s almost too incredible for words.
The ash and other volcanic particles rub against each other as they’re hurled into the air, building up static electricity.
It’s not the lava that causes the lightning, but rather it contributes to the conditions that allow this breathtaking event to take place.
@brown_watermelon #lightning #lava #eruption #volcano #thunder #nature #power ♬ Thunder Sound – Tmsoft’s White Noise Sleep Sounds
“Was I the only one thinking I was going to see Lightning McQueen this was better,” one viewer commented.
As one commenter put it, “A lifetime of video games has taught me one thing! There is a boss battle going on that mountain top!”
This stunning event recently occurred at Volcán de Fuego in Guatemala, a volcano that has had notable eruptions in 2018, 2021, 2022, and 2023.
Locals from the capital, Guatemala City, located 44km (27 miles) southwest of Fuego’s summit, have witnessed these spectacular eruptions.
“Similarly (to a thunderstorm), in a volcanic eruption cloud, there are small particles of volcanic material colliding with one another at high speeds, and these collisions can result in separation of charges in the volcanic cloud that result in lightning”