‘Forgotten astronaut’ of Apollo 11 reveals the one thing he realized after landing on the moon

The often overlooked third astronaut on Apollo 11 shared what he realised after the incredible mission.

When we think of NASA’s Apollo 11 mission, most of us will recall the names Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin.

The first two people to walk on the Moon became living legends in human history as they experienced the lower gravity and collected samples.

But as Armstrong and Aldrin walked on the Moon, there was one other astronaut who went all the way there, but didn’t walk on the surface.

This was Michael Collins, who piloted the command module as Armstrong and Aldrin explored the Moon.

For 48 minutes, Collins would become the most isolated human in the universe as the command module passed behind the Moon.

One quote about this said that no human felt such isolation ‘since Adam’, but for his part Collins said he had not felt lonely.

On the contrary, Collins said that he had felt ‘awareness, anticipation, satisfaction, confidence, almost exultation’.

And in an interview on YouTube with 60 Minutes Australia, Collins recalled what he took from his experience in space.

The three astronauts of the Apollo 11 mission (Space Frontiers/Getty Images)The three astronauts of the Apollo 11 mission (Space Frontiers/Getty Images)

He said: “The food was terrible but I enjoyed my time behind the Moon. It’s a rugged place and not a very comfortable place.”

And there was one big realisation that he shared from his time in space.

He said: “Being very close to the Moon was very impressive in many ways, but the Moon is nothing compared to our home planet.”

Collins added: “It was centre stage. Any little thing, the blue of the ocean, the white of the clouds, little streaks of tan that we call ‘continents’.

“It’s about the size of your thumbnail if you hold it out in front of you.”

Collins orbited the Moon alone, locating the lunar module on the surface and maintaining communication with Earth.

Collins during training exercises in the command module (Bettmann / Contributor / Getty)Collins during training exercises in the command module (Bettmann / Contributor / Getty)

Although perhaps not as much in the spotlight as the lunar walkers, Collins always reiterated that his role had been essential to the success of the mission – someone had to stay behind and await the return of the others.

Speaking about the Apollo 11 mission, he said: “This venture has been structured for three men, and I consider my third to be as necessary as either of the other two.”

Collins had also shared that he had been gravely concerned for Armstrong and Aldrin’s safety, worrying that if they had died he would have to return to Earth alone and be a ‘marked man’.

Happily, the mission was a roaring success and the three returned together.

Collins left his mark inside the command module, writing: “Spacecraft 107 – alias Apollo 11 – alias Columbia. The best ship to come down the line. God Bless Her. Michael Collins, CMP”.

Featured Image Credit: YouTube/60 Minutes Australia / Bettmann /Getty Images

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