Man Who ‘Transformed Himself Into A Lizard’ Shows Off What He Looked Like Before Extreme Change

A man who ‘transformed himself into a lizard’ has revealed what he looked like before.

Erik Sprague, known by the public as ‘Lizardman,’ has committed to modifying his body into a living work of art.

His transformation journey has led to television appearances and a social media following, with many fans praising his bold look.

One of his Instagram followers writes: “Your tattoos are not just art on your skin but also a reflection of your cool and kind spirit.”

Another adds: “You are so f***ing cool.”

“I absolutely love your vibe,” enthuses a third.

Erik Sprague
Erik Sprague is widely recognized as ‘Lizardman.’ Credit: Erik Sprague

In an interview with IGV, he opens up about ‘breaking boundaries,’ the ‘beauty of diversity,’ and shares photos of his dramatic transformation.

Sprague’s foray into tattoos and body modification began with his aspirations as a conceptual performance artist.

The tattoo lover tells IGV: “I began as an aspiring conceptual performance artist and eventually decided that I and my art would be better served by using permanent body modifications rather than costuming and other temporary actions.”

He adds that his professional life is intrinsically tied to his body mods.

Erik Sprague
Erik Sprague says he’s patient and understanding when handling people’s reactions to his bold look. Credit: Erik Sprague

Although Sprague may stand out from the crowd with his bold look, he shares that his life has been stable and fulfilling.

The tattoo lover has been in a relationship for 25 years and married for 21, he met his wife when she came to see him perform.

His partner, who is also into body modification, has been a steadfast supporter of his journey.

Erik Sprague
Erik Sprague says he wants to push boundaries and redefine norms. Credit: Erik Sprague

Public reactions to Sprague’s appearance vary widely, from fascination and admiration to shock and sometimes negativity.

“I’ve learned to handle it all with patience and understanding, knowing that my appearance challenges conventional ideas of normalcy,” he says.

Sprague explains that he’s part of a larger movement of artists and enthusiasts, adding: “It’s about pushing boundaries and redefining norms.”

The body mod fanatic encourages others to embrace their uniqueness and follow their paths.

Erik Sprague
Erik Sprague says his transformation journey is full of ‘possibilities.’ Credit: Erik Sprague

He tells IGV: “I hope people see the possibilities of self-expression and the beauty of diversity. My modifications are a testament to the human spirit’s creativity and resilience. I want to encourage others to embrace their uniqueness and follow their path, whatever that may be.”

Sprague, who downplays the financial costs of his transformation, says his journey with inkings and body modifications is not over.

When asked whether he’s happy in his current state, he says: “I’m happy with where I am at currently but also open to future possibilities.

“I don’t really think about it in those terms. I think that much like a painting or a sculpture, it will only ever be finished in the sense that I stopped working on it. And I can always start again.”

Sprague also shares with IGV what he looked like before his transformation, as seen in the photos below.

Erik Sprague

Erik Sprague

Erik Sprague
Erik Sprague before his tattoo and body mod transformation. Credit: Erik Sprague

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